You have been banned from using v-severe
Why are you here?
If you are here because you are banned or have been suspended for a certain amount of time, please do gather up a truthful statement on how it happened.
Think about your actions
We have honest hard-working staff, so we will be bias to begin with. This is a precaution we take with all of our unban requests. We put our staff through harsh tests to make sure we have the best staff possible.
Contact Us
For a ban you would of most likely been banned from the server permanently as a precaution, to stop this toxic behaviour. Please leave an email or leave a form seen at the bottom of the page
Read Me
Do not be alarmed if you have clicked on the link from our main website and came here, you are not banned. This is for banned users only.
Please do report any toxic staff behaviour
The rules are for EVERYONE to follow. If the rule applies for you they apply for staff too.
V2 of Vsevere since 2023 If the button does not work, please email [email protected]